OT - Cyber Threat Intel, Protect Critical Infrastructure, Secure your Operations, ICS Specific Threat Intel, Ensure OT Cyber Resilience, Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats, Prioritize Cyber Risk, Ensure OT Cyber Resilience, Defense in Depth, ICS Security Awareness, Subscribe for free


OT Cyber Threat Intel

As cyber threats continue to evolve, safeguarding OT (Operations Technology) is more critical than ever. We share open source cyber threat intelligence surrounding current cyber threats targeting ICS (Industrial Control Systems), SCADA networks, and critical infrastructure. OT CTI subscriber’s, receive intel that empowers them to implement a risk based approach to cybersecurity and remain informed of the current threat landscape. Knowing what vulnerabilities adversaries are actively exploiting in industrial, manufacturing, and operational environments is critical to ensuring the availability of your operations. Our distribution of open source intelligence is intended to help organizations manage their attack surface and prioritize cyber risk.

The convergence of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operations Technology) introduces significant risks, as traditionally isolated OT systems become more exposed to cyber threats common in IT environments. This integration can increase the vulnerability of industrial control systems (ICS) to cyber attacks, potentially leading to operational disruptions, safety hazards, and financial losses. Additionally, the dependency on cloud resources for OT operations introduces another layer of risk, as any compromise or outage in cloud services can directly impact the functionality and security of critical industrial processes and process control networks. Implementing a robust cybersecurity framework that includes OT specific cyber threat intelligence is essential to mitigate these risks.

Enhance your OT cyber security posture and ensure the resilience of your operations with a defense in depth strategy that includes cyber threat intelligence. Stay ahead of cyber threats and subscribe to our dissemination of IoT, IIoT, and IoMT centric threat intelligence.

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